How do you feel about the current state of our world? Personally, I’ve got mixed feelings. On one hand, this is a crazy time in human history. People are dying, millions are unemployed, and many of our freedoms are being threatened or altogether taken away. All of this saddens me.
However, on the other hand, people from all walks of life are uniting and working together to incite change. Protests are happening around the world, corrupt police officers are being held accountable, and people are courageously speaking up against injustice. All of this gives me hope.
The cause that has been at the forefront of my mind is racial equality. This is a topic that is new to me, so I’m listening and learning as much as I can. I’ve realized that racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. It includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race.
Joining me today, to talk about this and much more, is my good friend Preston Smiles. Preston is the author of Love Louder, and he is a wise, courageous leader who has been unafraid to stand up for what he believes in. He has a uniquely modern, love-based approach to living, and today you’ll gain his insights on everything from the “four levels of consciousness” to Preston’s experiences as a black person in America, and ultimately how we can all elevate our consciousness to be better and live well as we do difficult, necessary work within ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Every time I talk with Preston, I walk away feeling inspired, empowered, and equipped to be a better version of myself, and I believe that you will as well.
- The four levels of consciousness and how each impacts your life.
- How Preston reconciles his blessed life with the profound suffering and pain in the world.
- The four aspects of what it means to be human.
- How to look at, unpack, and dismantle your own biases.
- The difference between saying “I’m not racist” and being actively anti-racist – and how to call out sexism and racism to help others be heard.
- And a lot more, including resources for you.
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