While running your own business can be a fulfilling and exhilarating adventure, all entrepreneurs eventually reach a fork in the road where they must decide to either build a team or burn out. In this episode, Hal interviews author and virtual CEO, Chris Ducker, on his book Virtual Freedom and how cultivating a virtual team can help you grow your business.
After building his own business for a few years, Chris Ducker hit the burn out wall and he hit it hard. Like many entrepreneurs, he was suffering from “superhero syndrome” and it was difficult for him to admit that he needed help to move forward. He developed three important lists to freedom that will help you to start thinking about delegating (28:45):
- A list of tasks you hate doing
- A list of tasks you struggle with doing
- A list of tasks that you should not be doing
Avoid the time-draining, monotonous tasks that no business owner should have to do. Start your journey to virtual freedom by outsourcing some one-off tasks through Elance, oDesk, or, Chris’ own business, virtualstafffinder.com. Over time, start outsourcing recurring tasks such as logo design, online research, and audio transcription.
Society has led us to believe that overworking is a sign of true productivity, but that simply isn’t true. Don’t let the growth of your business be stunted by how busy you are and start building your virtual team today!
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