With her authentic, radiant spirit, Rachel Rofé has built a formidable name for herself as an entrepreneur. Starting as a cashier at Walmart, she has since left the retail world and has been featured on Fox News, launched a handful of companies, authored over 40 books, and lost over one-hundred pounds.
Rachel’s true-blue, hard core entrepreneurial spirit shines through in all of her ventures, but when asked about her greatest accomplishments, Rachel highlights her philanthropic contributions. Rachel lists co-raising over $50,000 for a Native American Reservation school in Arizona through a webinar as one of her top achievements.
As a persevering high-achiever, Rachel shares her tips for adapting to change and failure and how to surround yourself with people who “hold you accountable” (19:10) for reaching your goals. From personal fitness goals to business ventures, Rachel offers her most recent story of failure, reminding us that failing is only an opportunity to learn from mistakes (11:07).
Listen in for Rachel’s essential tips for achieving your goals (time) and explore what she is working on over at www.rachelrofe.com.
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