The coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world is truly unprecedented in our lifetimes. This is a time in our lives when there is a massive need for leadership – not just from our leaders, but from every human being on the planet.
As a species, we’re going through a lot of firsts right now – new circumstances, new challenges, a lot of fear, and more uncertainty than many of us have ever faced. A lot of you are experiencing illness, stress, fear, anxiety, and financial hardship, and many, especially the elderly, are feeling more isolated and alone than ever before.
Last week, we talked about how to accept what you can’t control and focus on what you can. Today, we’re continuing that conversation and getting more actionable. This isn’t about logistics, groceries, or where to find toilet paper. It’s about managing your inner world, and finding stronger, more resilient, more conscious versions of ourselves through adversity.
To help me through this conversation, I’ve brought Brotha James back to the podcast. In addition to being an uplifting, conscious musician, he’s also a world-class facilitator. He helps unleash collective wisdom and group genius living inside people through intentional questions and meaningful conversations.
Today, we’re exploring how to reset and redirect your focus thoughts. There’s never been a better moment to optimize your mindset, your inner world, your inner freedom, and what you can control, and we’ve included six questions to help you work through this process as you listen to the podcast.
- What people have done over the course of history to spend the toughest, most challenging times of their lives to choose happiness.
- How to take responsibility for your inner world and not let circumstances outside your control dictate how you feel.
- What you can do to create a daily self-care and self-development practice – and why we need to hear things over and over again to be moved into action.
- Why it’s important to feed ourselves with positive information in times of crisis.
- The 6 questions to optimize your mindset.
#1. Why is it important for me to feed my mind with positive information like this podcast?
(Examples of other ways to feed our minds: Music, books, movies, conversations, and what else?)
Identify Strengths
#2. When you look back on times in your life when you’ve overcome an obstacle or a challenge what strengths do you possess that allowed you to overcome the obstacle or challenge?
BONUS – 30 second scribing activity. What are your superpowers, strengths and unique capabilities?
Present Moment and Future Vision Empowerment
#3. How might this situation enable me to be better in my life, business, family, relationships, health?
#4. How might I use my Miracle Morning practice (SAVERS) to intentionally grow the area I want to get better in?
For example – if you want to be a better parent. What books could you read, or youtube videos could you watch on how to be a better parent.
For example – if you want to get better as a business person, how might you use the MM practice to be more innovative, learn new marketing ideas or management strategies?
#5. Who in my life needs support right now? How might I support them?
Time, Energy, Money – what can I contribute to others right now?
Create Your Own:
#6. How might I use my Miracle Morning Scribing practice to create my own empowering questions for myself and my family?
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