What kind of future would give YOU the greatest sense of pride, meaning and fulfillment?
We know that when we connect with our strengths, we perform at a much higher level. Yet, far too often, we look at what’s wrong, what’s broken and what’s missing as a way to solve our problems and find fulfillment in our lives.
What if instead, we looked at where we’ve been at our best—and then determined the factors that led to that success by asking better questions. Questions that would not only help us find deeper meaning in our own lives, but would create a shared sense of purpose in the lives of others.
That’s what you’re going to learn about today. In fact, we’re doing something a little different. We’re going to be replaying a recent conversation between Jon Berghoff and host of The Millionaire Mindcast podcast, Matty Aitchison. When I heard this discussion, I knew I had to share it with our community, as it’s loaded with insight!
Jon also reminds us that as a leader, you not only need to build the habit and practice of asking great questions, but you also have to build the habit of allowing yourself to not get attached to your first answer. Don’t be afraid to let your answers evolve!
- Whether the questions you’re asking yourself are serving you? Jon shares the 4 fundamental distractions of thinking unconsciously that may be holding you back.
- Jon shares a parable that will teach you how to create and elevate a deeper sense of purpose in your life and the lives of others—your family, team, community, or any group that you’re a part of.
- How Jon Berghoff uses the power of Appreciative Inquiry to facilitate rapid, strengths-based transformation for organizations and communities.
- The single most important skill set to becoming a great question asker.
- Find out what to expect at this year’s Best Year Ever Blueprint [LIVE] experience happening 17, 18 19 in sunny San Diego!
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